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Architectural Project:

Studi Archea Associati

​Structural Project:

Favero & Milan Ingegneria






Scala interna

Studi Archea Associati

The project concerns the recovery and transformation of the nineteenth-century/upper building of the former Magazzino del Vino on the Trieste seafront. The project does not modify the original volume, but involves excavating inside another completely independent, ethereal and translucent building, organized dimensionally by the metrics of the piece of masonry taken from the original facade. The physical dislocation between the new building and the historical facing has allowed the creation of a large space between inside and outside, completely covered in Istrian stone. The glass that closes the internal envelope reflects the contours of the walls of the warehouse and its openings, allowing visibility of the activities that take place inside. The new volume is developed on four levels: the lowest level, completely underground, is used for parking; the upper level, at a lower level than the city level, is illuminated by the space created between the original and the new envelope; the ground floor, raised 80 cm above the street, recovers the ancient safety level with respect to the maximum tide level; the new raised floor, although exceeding the height of the perimeter walls, reaches the same upper level as the original destroyed roof.

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